Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Day 46: The Final Day

My funemployment period is finally at an end after 46 days, and I'm off to do cool things in the indie game scene. I'll be one of three programmers on a little game known as Eon Altar, done by Flying Helmet Games. I've chatted about this game in the past, and I'm really excited to be on board as a developer. Note, if you're a UI dev or a level designer with experience in Unity, and live in the Vancouver, BC area, feel free to apply here.

We're doing a lot of iterating and prototyping, so while the large vision you see on the website and in the videos is still largely intact, especially around bringing your friends together in one place, gameplay and what not is certainly evolving.

And iteration early on is crucial. You want to fail fast and fail hard with your designs and prototypes, and iterate quickly to find what's fun and what isn't. The longer you wait, the more expensive design changes become. Expect to see blog posts about my developer experiences, and perhaps even some of what we're designing as we go along!

For my funemployment, I've been playing a bunch of games on and off: WoW; Dragon Age 2; Pokémon X; Final Fantasy X HD; Pocket Farm; Hearthstone; and the WoW Beta (you can find my Twitch.TV stream here, and look to my Twitter for when I'm streaming).

Upcoming this month, along with my new job, are a trip to the GaymerX convention in San Francisco July 11th through the 13th, as well as an online Pokémon tournament sadly in the same time period. It'll be a bit of a busy weekend!

#Personal, #EonAltar


  1. Best of luck! Don't kill yourself with crunch time.

    Heh, didn't realize you were a fellow Vancouverite.

  2. Thanks! I'll try not to, hah.

    I'm personally based out of Seattle, working remotely.
